Sunday, December 14, 2014

Well duh! My response to Michelle Bridges

Day after day after day after day we are bombarded in the mainstream media with the latest fad on how to lose weight fast, but they're exactly that, fads.  They won't have long term lasting effects.  Instead of looking for a quick fix to a healthy weight and fitness there is only one way to ensure long lasting effects. 

Australian fitness guru and The Biggest Loser mentor Michelle Bridges gives five simple tips to lose on today, and as you can imagine, treats the reader as if they're absolutely stupid by saying, "what you never knew".  Um, I hate to break it to you, we actually DO know how to live a healthy life.

Anyway, the five tips are as follows:
1 - No such thing as good and bad foods.
2 - Choosing what fruit to eat isn't a problem.
3 - Don't eat crap out of a box.
4 - You can avoid weight gain during Christmas.
5 - Exercise more during holidays.

These are all common sense, and if more people actually employed these tips rather than looking for a quick fix there would be fewer obese and overweight people in Australia.

Why on earth do people not understand that maintaining a healthy weight isn't something you can switch on and off?  You have to eat healthy ALL the time or you WILL gain weight.  Not exercising will cause you to store fat no matter what you eat/drink/put into your body.  It's all common sense and the sooner people realised this the better.

I disagree with Bridges on being able to eat ALL foods and that it's about portion size and moderation.  There are some foods that some people just can't eat.

Otherwise though, this column is really just common sense and people need to stop thinking only about instant gratification and start thinking about what the long term effects of eating unhealthy food and not exercising will be.

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