The report was factually incorrect for several reasons and was incredibly narrow in its scope. The only thing the report actually did right was inspiring this opinion article.
The reporter talked to a few Maori Kiwi youths who were on the Gold Coast. They clearly had no education. The report ignored the educated, or even non educated hard working NZ citizens who come to Australia and make a positive contribution. One can assume they were at work and that's why they weren't interviewed.
The Maori people they interviewed for the report were the very bottom of the socio economic ladder. They were what one would call no hopers and the types that in NZ would not do well either. It is no wonder they were on the street.
At the end of the report they talked to a young man, Oscar who said he hated Australia.
So what did they not focus on? What was left out of the report? If the reporters on Campbell Live had bothered to do their job (and it's funny because as of tonight some, including Campbell himself are out of jobs, with unfactual reports its no wonder) they'd have seen that NZ citizens, myself included, come over for work opportunities we wouldn't otherwise have in NZ. The report ignored that many Kiwis are actually very hard working. I can name several, myself, my brother. When I was working three casual jobs last year I was staying in unpleasant accommodation and there were two Kiwis there. They may not have been the sharpest knives in the drawer but they were hard workers and were loyal to Australia to the death, just like me, and just like my brother.
The report portrayed Kiwi migrants as ungrateful and that we just want to take from the Australian government. I know other people in Australia who are so grateful for the lives they have here and like me, can't wait to become Australian citizens.
And on that point Campbell Live left out the most important thing. Kiwis have no voice in Australia. I have written to numerous MPs and when I get a reply they fob me off to the other country's government. That's when I even get a reply. I've only had one reply. So if Kiwis want to maintain our democratic voice it means travelling to a country where we don't pay taxes, where we don't live and a country that isn't our current country. Why does the mainstream media keep on leaving out this very important issue?
The reports like on Campbell Live which are blatant lies and a small minority do not help the NZ citizens like myself who always back Australia, know the anthem, support the country and just want to legally call Australia home and have the right to vote in elections.
Given Campbell Live and his reporters lie about the reality of Kiwis in Australia it is a damn good thing the show has been axed.