Tuesday, October 7, 2014

There is no way that Blake Garvey is completely to blame for the bust up with Sam Frost

So there's been a lot of news about The Bachelor lately.  This follows Blake Garvey and Sam Frost's break up.  The mainstream media has implied that Blake broke Sam's heart and that she had absolutely no say in the matter.

Both have given media interviews but from what I've seen there are so many questions being asked and I can't help but wonder if the media is pulling the Damsel in Distress routine and that Frost is lapping it up trying to get the sympathy card.

But in this day and age, is it not possible that Sam and Blake just didn't get along in real life?  Is it not possible that Sam had some say in the relationship ending.  Is there not the chance that Sam ended the relationship?  I've ended things in the past and it's never easy.  It doesn't mean you suddenly stop caring about the person.

I just think that there is too much flak being directed at Blake and it may not be as it seems, that a lot of things would have happened behind the scenes that people are not being told and it's wrong to assume that Sam is faultless.

I never watched The Bachelor but there is more to the story and it takes two to make a relationship and two to break up a relationship.  Let's not forget that.  Let's take into consideration the other possibilities that Blake possibly wasn't ready for marriage after all or that being from opposite sides of the country had it's issues?  Let's also take into consideration that the break up may truly be a case of just wanting different things?

It's not right to blame either Sam or Blake.  Both of them went through a break up and both are equally responsible so quit with this 1950s Damsel in Distress routine.  I don't know about you but when I've been through relationship break ups both of us are always responsible.

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