Saturday, November 8, 2014

Dear Sydney Transport: if I could break up with you I would

I've been a public transport user for over 10 years. A few of those years have been in Sydney on and off.  People here whinge about timetables, myself included.  Today's bus was early and isn't too cold like they normally are.  I'm not going to lie, I don't pay full fare for tickets.  At first it was because some weeks my income was low but now it's political.  You see drivers seem to think they can disrespect paying customers.  I'm talking specifically about the Hills Bus company.  Their drivers are the worst and there is no competitor so it's not like people have a choice but to use the service so today's blog, written while on a bus is about my top five gripes using public transport:

1: Drivers treating us like children.  This time I tried to hide my coffee in my jacket after seeing the guy before me was told to throw his out too.  We are not children.  We're not going to spill out coffee.  Just because you have a menial job and are just a bus driver doesn't mean you can disrespect us or talk down to us.  It's coffee and we are not all slobs like you think.  I hate authority and rules.  You're not doing your company any good by patronising PAYING customers.  And on that note, why allow smelly food but not coffee?  That is the ultimate in insulting your customers.

2: Air conditioning.  This may not occur to the planners who probably don't even use transport but the air conditioning is always up so high you have to take a jersey for the trip alone & freeze.  It's not okay to make your passengers uncomfortable.

3: Litter on trains.  I get that some people are feral and think littering trains is okay but nobody wants to see your disgusting empty food wrappers wtc.  Trains should have one bin per carriage and people should teach their children basic hygiene.

4: Not arriving in time.  Some people have work and other places to get to.  If you're not on time then you're incredibly disrespectful to paying customers and messing with their schedules.  You may also be costing them money if they have to get a taxi due to incompetency.

5: Opal card.  Opal is a scam and unless you only use public transport to and from work you're going to end up paying more.  MyMulti is best for people who use public transport a lot.  Opal is just intended to make it look like the state government is doing something about transport issues, much like the investment in light rail which won't fix any transport issues.

These are just a few issues with Sydney's transport system.  If you have your own gripes I'd love to hear them, tweet me.


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