Thursday, January 1, 2015

Gripes about Public Transport Users

A while ago I blogged about what annoys me about the public transport service providers.  Today however I'd like to look at another aspect of public transport, and that is the types of passengers that annoy me.  I'm sure that if they annoy me they annoy other users too.

7 - Those who leave litter on the bus or train.  This is more of a train issue.  Sure, there aren't bins on trains but there are at train stations, please take your rubbish with you as you disembark from the train and show some consideration to your fellow passengers who are also paying for the service.  It's just basic manners.

6 - People who don't realise that people have multiple senses and one of these is smell.  Yes, Sydney can get very hot at times but please have the courtesy to use some body spray so you don't smell or to have a shower.  It's just basic hygiene and grown adults should know how to exercise good hygiene and be considerate to other passengers.

5 - Couples who think that PDAs are appropriate on buses and trains.  Look, we get it that you're happily in love and don't care about showing the world that.  You're lucky that you found that special someone, but please show some respect and keep it decent on trains and buses.  We don't want to see your public displays.  I don't care if you're straight, gay or bisexual.  There is a time and a place and the bus or train is not it.  Save it for the back row of a cinema, a bar or just the privacy of your own home.

4 - Seat hogs.  A few days ago I was on a bus which was full.  I took what was one of the last seats and then someone got on the bus at the next stop and squashed me in.  It was one of those sideways seats with the panels on one side so I ended up being pressed up against it with absolutely no room.  I understand you want a seat and I like to have a seat too but that does not give you the right to push me out of the seat I rightfully got before you.

3 - Those who steal seats.  This happened to me on another bus.  I was bussing back to the city from Bondi Beach when this guy took the seat that I'd been eying up.  The bus was full and that was the last seat so I gave the guy the evils.  A few minutes later a seat opened up.  It was lucky I'd paid attention because I smugly took that seat and did a little mental dance and was like "suck on that!"  Okay so the guy who I stole the seat from probably hated me but hey, you snooze, you lose.

2 - Speaking of snoozing, sure, everyone gets tired and needs some rest but please oh please do not sleep next to me on the bus or train.  If you're tired drink coffee or wait until you get home.  The bus is not your bedroom.

1 - The bus is also not your bedroom.  I don't want to feel your hair in my foot area.  People on buses and trains need to learn what personal space is, and stay in theirs and out of mine.  Even if the bus or train is full, please try to be considerate.

These are just a few of the things that annoy me about other public transport users.  If you are a public transport user please consider the other passengers also using the service and don't do any of these.  Nobody particularly wants to use public transport but some of us have to so please make it a more enjoyable experience by showing us basic manners and considerations.  If you have any public transport grips feel free to tweet them to me.

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