Monday, April 13, 2015

The politics of weight management

Today the Mainstream media has been reporting that doctors are failing to take weight examinations. They say that it's particularly hard with women.  I want to delve into the politics of weight management today.  Yes you read me right, the politics of weight management.  What I mean here is that for some reason it is not considered political to tell someone when they need to lose weight.

People generally avoid telling people they need to lose weight because depending on the person it could hurt them.  Here's the thing though folks, carrying extra weight is more hurtful and damaging because when someone carries extra weight they are opening themselves up to all kinds of disease - diabetes, heart disease just to name a couple.  You're actually being kinder if you tell people they need to lose weight especially if they know the scales say they've gained and their clothes aren't fitting as well. If you aren't honest then you're being crueler than the realisation they need to lose weight will ever be.

Now I'm not saying you should go up to strangers and say they're fat but if you have a friend or family member and they say they need to lose weight or that they've gained weight, instead of trying to be nice be honest because in the long run it's much better than you permitting them to be an unhealthy weight.

And don't tell someone that their weight is fine if it's not.  If they've opened up the conversation they actually need honesty that yes they do in fact need to lose weight.  By being honest you're doing them a favour because you're allowing them to move forward to a healthier body and healthier weight with your support.

It is much crueler to let someone remain fat/overweight/obese than it is to agree when they say they need to lose weight.  They may genuinely need to lose weight and if they do then by being honest you may actually be adding years to their life expectancy.

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