Thursday, July 2, 2015

What to do when you're in the wrong job

Every day we read stories about people who dislike their jobs and their bosses.  In these stories we read about people struggling to get through the daily grind of doing work in a field they do not care about.  In fact more often than not people are so disgruntled in their jobs that some believe you're lucky if you enjoy your job.

Anyway if you despise your job and it's not a short term thing that will go away there are steps you can take to make it less painful.

Talk to your boss: if you have an approachable boss the first step is to talk to your boss about why you're frustrated and try and reach a solution both parties are happy with. If that means less responsibility or more responsibility then ask for that.

Weigh up the pros and cons: is it the job you hate or the company? If it's one or the other there are ways around that.  You can focus on the positive attributes of the job or the company. Focus on what you do like to make things more pleasant for you.

Money is a big issue for loads of people.  If you have issues with the money then talk to your employer about a pay increase.  However, if not even money will make you happy then it's a definite sign you're in the wrong job and need to find something more suitable.

In this economy you'd be a fool to resign from a job without somewhere else to go so if you really hate your job and your manager then start looking for a better job. You shouldn't dread going to work everyday and it is much better to leave while you are still on good terms before you completely lose the plot and quit without notice.

If you know what you want to do then that passion will show and sooner rather than later you will find the right job, one that uses your skills.  The fact is if you don't feel appreciated or valued in your job you're best to find something else. Nobody would suggest you should love every aspect of your job but if it's causing you anger, frustration and affecting your personal life you need to move on fast to somewhere that utilises your skills and will move you forward in the direction in which you want to go.

Happy job hunting, and if you really dislike your job and have a passion outside of that job focus on making your passion your employment. When you have passion you'll perform better and that will translate to more money in the long run.

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