Friday, January 29, 2016

Why I have an issue with "new Barbie"

This will be one of those short blogs.

Today toy maker Mattel announced several new Barbie designs.  The general gist is people have been whinging about current Barbie not reflecting the public's actual appearance.

There are one or two things that need clarification here.

Barbie is a doll.  She is made out of plastic.  She represents an ideal.  What's wrong with having ideals to aspire to?  Would these same people wanting obese and "curvy" Barbies also want a game which essentially motivated to go on drugs and be homeless?  Think the anti or opposite of Monopoly.  What good would that actually do?

It's nice that people want acceptance but what if something isn't healthy?  Should we all start condoning drug usage and addiction because that's what makes some people happy?  Of course not.  The average person knows that drugs are bad for you and that not being on drugs is much better.

In addition to Barbie being a doll, there is nothing wrong with having one ideal, which people will either love or hate.

I know if I had a choice I would rather look like original Barbie than any one of the newer models.  Speaking of, there is a picture of the new models floating around the internet and it shows several of them just wearing skirts or dresses.  Not a single Barbie is wearing pants or looks as if she is going to work.  Why not?  Are women just supposed to be fashion obsessed and not care about our careers?  It's a similar principle.  It's political correctness gone mad and it's impossible to please everyone because everyone has a different idea of what Barbie should be like.

Sure Mattel wants to be seen as innovative but the only message they're really sending to little people is that it's okay to be obese and unhealthy and that people shouldn't aspire to anything in particular and that is the wrong message to send.

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