Wednesday, May 3, 2017

What happens if you take the wrong job?

We're constantly bombarded with stories in the mainstream media about how few jobs there are and that we have high rates of under and unemployment. What happens if you get the elusive job offer but it's the wrong fit?

It's an incredible situation to be in. Despite all the odds you've secured multiple interviews and an offer comes through so you become excited that you're starting a new job. You decide that the search is over and that you've found The One so you cancel your upcoming interviews, but what happens if you start that new job but it doesn't work out?

You're back to the drawing board and the search recommences. You have two choices. You can go back to the start, or if the time lapse was short then you can contact the companies you were going to interview at and ask if they're still looking.

So how do you do this?

It's a tricky one. 

Did you let your prospective employers know you were off the market?

When you had the interviews lined up, did you do a no show when you received your job offer or were you were professional? Did you send an email thanking them for their time and wishing them the best with their search? 

If it's the latter then you're in the best position to contact them to ask if they're still hiring.

Send them an email asking if you could still interview with them. It's a ballsy move but you have nothing to lose by asking for an interview.

Most people are reasonable and at the very least they'll interview you.

How do you prepare for the interview?

Okay so you've passed the hard part. You've secured an interview. Now you need to get to the next stage. You need to be prepared for them to ask why the job lasted such a short time and why you're looking again.

There will be mixed opinions on this. Some people will say you should lie. I've spoken to a couple of friends who have said this.

I prefer the honesty policy however. At the very least it shows integrity and that you'll take responsibility when you make a judgement error. Everyone has chosen the wrong employer.

Own it. Be honest.

Ask questions about culture

So you've just been in the situation where you took the wrong job. You're probably feeling frustrated and maybe a little bit burned. When you get to the interview ask about culture and management styles. You may not have asked about these things in the past however now they're important so be transparent from the start.

Happy hunting everyone!

If you've been in this situation yourself feel free to share the outcome.

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