Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Voice Australia 2018 winner is crowned and it's brilliant

As you know from my blog, I'm a huge music fan. Between writing, singing and listening to music, it pretty much consumes me. It has since I was a kid.

I'm gonna cut straight to the chase and talk about tonight's The Voice Australia finale. Before I do though I want to draw attention to the fact that now I'm going to have nothing to do on Sunday nights until the next season:-(

I'm gonna miss the show. I've been tweeting about it every week and I've written other blogs about it as well. That first blog was written a few months ago after episode 4 when Australia was introduced to vocal looper, Sam Perry. He was very controversial originally and I was incredibly opposed to his entry in the competition. A direct quote from the blog is below:

There was a contestant called Sam Perry who bought DJ equipment and did what's known as vocal looping or beat boxing. The judges loved it, with all four turning around and he ended up choosing to go on Kelly's team.

So should the guy have been allowed on The Voice Australia's seventh season? Some would say yes, and that the show's rigged anyway so who cares?! I disagree and would say that no he shouldn't have been allowed on the show.

There was nothing wrong with what he did, in fact he is talented, but as a DJ, not as a singer, and his performance had absolutely no place on The Voice. The show is supposed to focus on singing, not how well someone can mix a track. That's not what the competition is about. Again, just to reiterate, there was nothing wrong with what Sam Perry did. He is a talented DJ and definitely has skill but he should have entered a contest like Australia's Got Talent, or even X Factor Australia, rather than The Voice.
 You can read the rest of the blog here.

Well, tonight it was the season finale and Sam Perry took out the title of The Voice winner for 2018 and I want to be the first commentator to say, I am happy I was proven wrong. I switched to Sam's team a few episodes ago. It would have been when I started monitoring how he was doing in the Australian iTunes charts. I started to see that he was actually the only one who was charting and that's when he started to gain credibility in my mind and I came around to his music style.

I realised that vocal looping actually does take talent and that it's not easy. He does everything himself, and the show is actually called, "The VOICE". It's not called, "The SINGER" or "SINGERS ONLY". Anyone who has watched Sam knows that he uses his voice.

Anyway, tonight's episode was fairly tense and after Sheldon and Aydan were eliminated early on that left only Sam Perry and Bella Paige (who had come second in The Voice Kids 2014 so it might have been deja vu for her). It was fairly obvious that Sam was going to be crowned the winner, which also means that coach Kelly Rowland won the show as well.

The end of the show was fairly rushed so we didn't actually get a performance from Sam of the winner's single. The song was soon released on iTunes and is titled Trust Yourself. He is the only winner to have written his own single, and let me say, it's fantastic and so incredibly catchy.

Each week he has been improving, and although nobody's focused on his looks, he is HOOOOOOOOOT! That aside though, he's connected with the Australian public week after week after week and offered something new. The coaches said in his audition he would win, and whether or not that means the competition was rigged is another issue, but even if it is rigged, Mr Perry is incredibly popular and musically/artistically so talented.

I think that unlike other artists he will actually go far and have a long term career in the industry. I don't know about you but I can't wait for his album and I cannot wait for his tour.

The haters can say what they want, but Sam has shown more talent than all the other contestants put together and he is an all rounder with the charisma and personality to go far. Haters are just jealous that he's doing what they aren't or can't.

He won the competition because all through it, there was one thing he never forgot to do, and that was to "trust myself".

If more people did that they too, like Sam Perry would achieve great things.

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