Thursday, July 31, 2014

Will Anderson out of touch on welfare reforms

Today comedian Will Anderson said that the Government's new rule of applying for 40 jobs in a month is ridiculous.  Given he is in media you can imagine the articles published on sites like are bias and support him.  From the tone of the article they have no issue with people being on welfare and think that it's an entitlement.  

Well to quote my friend Joe Hockey, the age of entitlement is over.  Do you think my existing two jobs are my passion? Not at all.  Journalism is.  When I write it's out of the sheer love of it.  Because I'm inspired and care what's happening in the world.  I care about shaping opinions.

So for Will to say people should be picky.....he's one of the lucky ones.  The majority of people don't have that luxury. If for example I only went for jobs I wanted I'd be unemployed right now, probably for two years.  That's how long it was before I had a job I loved, which I only left because of upcoming redundancies.

Will implies you can't focus on what you love when you're working.  Yes you can.  It's all about time management.  It is because I'm so unfulfilled that I blog more and put more effort into journalism applications.  That dissatisfaction motivates me to push myself.  It's the same motivation that got me out of Auckland and back to Sydney on Christmas Eve last year.  And it's the same motivation that will get me my next writing job, even if I have to set up my own publication.

The point I'm making is Will Anderson got lucky and the majority of us have these things called bills to pay.  To do that we need jobs that don't thrill is until we get our dream jobs.  

Working 40 hours a week still leaves you 72 hours a week in which to follow your passion and 40 job applications a month is not even 2 a day on average.  It's not an unreasonable demand.

Will is out of touch.

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