Sunday, May 24, 2015

Tinder guys to say no to

This week I wrote an article about dating etiquette.  I'd like to expand on that and some tweets with some comments about what guys should not do when they're using dating sites.  These may or may not be based on real life experiences, however just like Carrie Bradshaw I will always protect the identities of these guys.  I've compiled a list of guys to watch out for on dating sites.

1 - The controlling guys.  This, this is a topic really close to home for me right now because recently I had a complicated relationship with a guy from Tinder and he was controlling and as friends have described him, a psychopath. I wouldn't go that far but he certainly had issues.  The controlling ones will somehow reel you in.  These are the ones who are so subtle you don't even realise it's happening.  They're the intense guys who ask questions they shouldn't be asking and tell you how to dress or that your fashion sense is whack.  That type of thing is okay coming from friends but it's not okay coming from guys.  Then there are the ones who try to control you in the bedroom. Run a mile if they do this. They aren't worth the time or effort.  And if they tell you you shouldn't smoke when you've been talking for five minutes they'd never respect you so quickly unmatch them.

2 - The guys who don't reciprocate.  These are the guys who don't seem to realise that relationships are a two way street and that means give and take.  The guys who don't reciprocate won't make an effort on dates or in the bedroom. With the guys who don't reciprocate they could also be known as the selfish guys.  In some cases they don't mean to be selfish but in other cases they are just jerks with no respect for you and they aren't worth your time.  Guys should be interested in who you are as a person and try to get to know you.

3 - The negative Neils.  Apologies to guys named Neil.  These are the guys for whom the glass is always half empty.  They're never happy and you're never good enough for them.  They make excuses for why things aren't better for them and why they get treated badly or dumped.  It's because of their insecurities and these guys shouldn't be inflicting themselves on the women of the world.

4 - The one night stand guys.  These guys are worse than the negative Neils.  They'll invite you over and shower you with compliments but honey you're never seeing them again.  They simply aren't interested in anyone.  What they really want is a free hooker and women on their terms. They have no respect for women.

5 - The guys who won't date you.  These guys are suave and smooth talking.  The most you'll get out of them is a drink at some pub but you're more likely to end up hanging out at their place.  Save yourself some time and don't go down this road.  If they won't show you respect in the beginning they'll never show you respect.

These are just some of the guys you should be wary of.  There are so many decent guys out there, but they're, as someone said to me when I was 18 in first year uni, they're the guys who want to get to know you. They're the ones who want to talk to you about politics and what's going on in your life.  Unfortunately you do have to go through a lot of psychos to find the catch.  A good catch is someone who will spend time getting to know you and make an effort all the way.  A good catch is neither too slow nor too fast and they will take their time because they want things to work.

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