Monday, May 18, 2015

Why you should exercise

Every day there are so many things to blog about from transport to politics to asylum seekers and everything in between.  Today however I'll be writing about the advantages to exercise because everywhere you turn people make excuses for why they can't exercise and they fabricate nonsense on why they should remain unfit.  Let's move away from the visual benefits to exercise and gravitate towards the health benefits.

1 - Exercise releases happy endorphins. I'm not a scientist.  I'm a journalist so I don't know if it's the fact that if you're angry and you exercise you end up exercising away excess energy and can't be angry anymore or if it's because physical movement releases happy endorphins.  Whatever it is there are health benefits to exercise.

2 - Do you ever wonder why some people never get sick? It is a well documented fact that exercise helps fight off colds, the flu and even some cancers and diabetes.  Basically by maintaining an active life you're prolonging your good health and improving your immune system.

3 - Exercise is satisfying for beating personal records.  Some people love the feeling of being lazy and inactive but the feeling you get when you beat a personal record tops that a thousand times over.  The fitter you are the more you can do.  Physical limits can be helped with and increase mental strength and stamina.  

4 - You will have more energy.  Ever noticed how some people never have energy and they say they're too tired to exercise?  That's actually untrue because exercise is energising and gives you a natural energy while burning calories so you'll need less coffee.  More energy means you're a better person to be around and that you are "always on" and some of my friends say.

5 - A surprising benefit of exercise is that your mental wellbeing will be improved.  I'm not talking about reducing your stress though that is a big advantage and reason to exercise.  I'm talking about alertness, memory and general mental well being.

The bottom line is there are so many benefits to exercise and you'd be crazy to choose the television over the gym, especially when most gyms now have televisions attached to the machines.

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