Friday, September 12, 2014

Dirty Politics - Chapter 10 - Sex Scandal

This chapter focuses on local body politics.  This is where the sex scandal involving Auckland Mayor Len Brown and Bevan Chuang comes into play.  For some reason Cameron Slater felt it was his duty to take down any left wing politician at a local body level.  In other words Slater wanted to "take down the left".  That doesn't sound like someone who truly cares about local issues.  That's someone who just wants to win at all costs.  It's more obvious with each chapter I read that Slater has bad blood because of the way his father, John Slater was dumped as president of the National Party.  It seems that he just has an axe to grind and a vendetta.

Again, Bevan Chuang was used as a pawn in Slater's game and she got caught in the crossfire which damaged her reputation.  Slater is a sick individual who needs psychiatric help.  It is as though Slater doesn't care about the women he harms in these malicious attacks on his male enemies, just destroying the men at any chance he has, and his preferred method is sex scandal.  I now wonder if he was involved in Don Brash' downfall in National - if he was involved in the leaking of Brash' affair back in 2008.  Last year, Chuang was used by Wewege and Slater for their own selfish game and dirty tactics.  They have no respect for women.  They also don't respect Asians.  That was a key point.  The idea before the story came to light was to create and manufacture a story from thin air.

Before the 2013 Auckland mayoral election instead of focusing on policy and focusing on doing a better job for members of the Auckland public, Slater, Bhatnagar and Wewege just wanted to sabotage Brown.  The tactics they used are worse than bullying, and they aren't even spin doctoring, the bottom line is that they're malicious and demented individuals who only care about themselves.  Someone who cared about Auckland would focus on what Brown was going to do that would do the city harm - like the city rail link or all the store closures on Auckland's Queen Street.  Someone who had actual credibility wouldn't need to use dirty tactics. 

As Hager says in this book, Slater has selective morality.  I think that is putting it nicely given all the evidence stacked against him in the book.  The evidence against Slater is that he is a sociopath and although the book doesn't say this, my National Party insiders have confirmed that they believe Slater is a sociopath and that the National Party is trying to distance themselves, that Judith Collins was caught in the crossfire.  They have also confirmed Slater's mental health issues, and drug abuse.

According to this chapter nobody is safe from Slater's attacks, the bottom line is, if he doesn't like you, you'd better watch out because he'll try and dig sexual dirt on you that he can later blackmail you with and that does extend to Act's John Boscawen and even Radio Live's Duncan Garner.  Regardless of how we feel about what people do with their sex lives, it's none of our business and only a sick individual would think it is.  Even the Taxpayer Union's Jordan Williams has been involved in this web of deception editing the Wikipedia page of certain Labour MPs and helping Slater.  It appears as though some help Slater to protect themselves.  Slater and Farrar were involved in getting the women in the Young Nats drunk so they would reveal dirt on people's sex lives, presumably that Slater could use at a later date when he needed it.

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