Monday, September 29, 2014

The truth about age in politics and how NZ tweeters need to get over themselves.

I am in favour of people voicing their opinion on social media and having debates about politics.  Even though I disagree with them I'm fine with left wing people criticising right wing policy and even vice versa, I know I debate the policy too.  What I'm not okay with though is when people launch into personal attacks.

Last year it was Asenati Lole Taylor.  She was heavily trolled on Twitter for her opinions on prostitution and other issues affecting South Auckland.  Australian Palmer United Party MP Jacqui Lambie has been harassed and now it would seem it is Act's Epsom MP, David Seymour.

It's fine that people disagree with Act policy but when they post tweets like:

Just showed my 13 year old, David Seymour's legohands. He couldn't stop laughing.

Emma Dilemma @indie_pixel 
What does retarded look like? David Seymour in government.  

How many times do you reckon David Seymour will accidentally call John Key "Dad" in the next three years?

@toad001 If David Seymour isn't convicted of by the end of this term, he doesn't deserve to represent the people of Epsom

The above tweets are just a selection of the rubbish being dished out to Act's sole MP David Seymour.  Yes it's his first term in Parliament but it's not his first term working in the parliamentary system, and all these "he's such a child" jokes are really grating on my nerves.  He's actually 31.  Did you know that senior Labour MP Jacinda Ardern was 28 when she entered parlaiment in 2008, or that National MP Jami Lee Ross was 25 years old.  Nikki Kaye was also 28 years old.  

These are just a few examples of young people who've entered parliament.  As I say, it's one thing to disagree with policy and to support it with decent arguments, but it's another to judge someone solely on their age without actually having the facts, and the fact of the matter is, other MPs have entered parliament when they were much younger than Seymour is.

Looks like he's earned the title of whipping boy for the next three years sadly.

Regarding the "Under Secretary of Education" title, my understanding is that it's similar to being a Parliamentary Secretary in Australia, which is what I would term the third in charge for a particular portfolio. 

My suggestion is, people need to check their facts and political history before tweeting about the age of MPs because several MPs enter parliament when they're young and go onto become career politicians - Annette King, Bill English, Nick Smith to name a few more, they all entered when they were young.

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