Thursday, September 11, 2014

Reaction to the Pistorius verdict

What is there to say about the Oscar Pistorius verdict?  It's a case that's divided public opinion.  Some say he was guilty and some say not guilty.  In this case the only person whose opinion matters is Judge Thokozile Masipa who cleared him of both the charge of murder and premeditated murder.  He may still be found guilty of the manslaughter of Reeva Steenkamp however even if that is the case his sentence is likely to be very lenient. 

It's already being described as this generation's OJ Simpson case.

The case was built solely on circumstantial evidence. and because we don't know everything that happened that night, only Pistorius does, we can never truly know if he was innocent or guilty, so there's only really one question to ask.

Would Pistorius have been found guilty if he hadn't overcome adversity to become an Olympian or if he was an average person on the street?  That's what we really should be asking, does the world media and public go easier on those who we hold in higher esteem?  Really, in all honesty, sportspeople are just regular people who succeeded at reaching their goals.  They just had the passion and drive to do so. And were willing to take the risk to reach their goal.  I don't think that makes someone more or less special and even if the judge denies it, Pistorius' career success would have been, even if only subconsciously, taken into consideration when delivering the verdict.  That's just the reality of the situation.

My personal opinion:  I would have found Pistorius not guilty of murder too.  Manslaughter, hmmm, not so sure on that one.

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